
Author Jennifer Quail

Fantasy, Steampunk, Science Fiction, and More


December 2019

We have a Winner! Actually Two Winners!

Maggie has chosen! (Because Bailey was busy stealing Maggie’s other toys.) Through the extremely scientific method of writing down all the names on slips of paper, burying them in the toy bowl, and seeing who got knocked out first when Maggie yanked her Bark Box Turkducken out, we have two winners of our drawing for paperback copies of Tales of the Siblings Not-So-Grim featuring my story “Storm-Spun”!

The winners are:

Susan Depping

Clarawayne Starrett-Wolford

Please contact me via Facebook or using the comment form here about where you’d like your book sent and if you’d like it signed to anyone in particular or to you!

Everyone else, thank you for all your shares and likes and comments! I may be doing more contests in the future, and as always a lot of my work is available via Amazon and Lulu! If you’re interested in a signed copy of any of the books, let me know via the comment form here.

Merry Christmas!


How Eva in “Only Ever Slowly” might celebrate. Via “Blog Into English.”

Kind of a quiet Christmas here, but quiet can be good. (Especially when the beagle is comfortable enough to start howling.)


Silent Night…for now.

So Let’s See Who’s Still Paying Attention…

I know I’ve picked up plenty of followers thanks to Jeopardy, and I appreciate the appreciation! But of course, this sorta-a-blog and Facebook are really about the whole writing thing. So in hopes of keeping some of you folks around, I’m going to have a little contest!

I have in my hot little hands paperback copies of Tales of the Siblings Not-So-Grim from Hollow Hills.  This anthology, featuring stories inspired by fairy tales with not-so-downer endings, includes my short story “Storm-Spun”, a Slavic tale involving talking horses, magic spindles, and Koshki the Deathless (and some altered/fantasy-fied spellings, obviously.) As I would really love for people to read what I write I’d like to give away a couple copies, and find out if y’all are actually reading my Facebook page.

So here’s what we’ll do!

1. Like My Author Page On Facebook

2. Like and SHARE the post for this blog entry.

3. ?

4. Profit! Okay, maybe win one of two paperback copies of Tales of the Siblings Not-So-Grim, with my story “Storm-Spun”, signed by me. I may not be a famous author, but hey, I’ve got an entry on the Jeopardy Contestants Wikipedia page. (I would add stuff like where I’m originally from and went to school, but I honestly can’t be bothered figuring out how to edit it. Also it’s hard to cite things when, well, it’s me. I am my own citation.)

5. I will choose two winners at random from people who, again, like My Author Page , and like AND SHARE the Facebook post for this blog (and I’ll even give you an extra entry if you comment on it, too.) I’ll probably do something crazy like put the names on dog treats or tennis balls and let Maggie the Corgi and Bailey the Beagle (#dogsofjeopardy) pick. Since I like Christmas only slightly less than the Nostalgia Critic, and love stretching out the season I’ll do the drawing on Boxing Day (December 26, 2019.)

Winners will be contacted by Facebook message from the Author Page and announced here, if you want to be. Postage is on me for one book to your location (so sorry, you have to live somewhere the post office ships to.)

Winners are not obligated to leave reviews on Amazon, Lulu, or Goodreads, but it would be nice for me and my fellow authors if you wanted to!



5000 words a day doesn’t have to be one document, right?

So while I should be either really getting going on the novel-length story featuring Aleksandra and Mattias (who’ve so far cropped up in  three flash fics and a lot of notes) or maybe that food-theme fantasy sequel to “Storm-Spun” with a December 31st deadline.

Instead I’ve got two lines for what MIGHT be an adaptation of “Ghost Life” to something a little brighter and more upbeat:

“Our arrangement probably seems strange, or it would if anyone knew about it. For the record, his being dead since before we met has only been a problem in a few, tiny ways.”

Just In Case You’d Like to Buy Some Books!

While you can always check out my Amazon Author Page for books by me or featuring my stories, there are a few other options.

For Tales of the Siblings Not-So-Grim featuring my story “Storm-Spun”, besides Amazon, you can find links to other ebooks at the universal link below. For paperback copies, click the Lulu link!

Universal link –

Paperbacks –

If you’d like a paperback version of Machinations and Mesmerism: Tales Inspired by E.T.A. Hoffmanit’s also available on Lulu.

If you’d like to skip Amazon and order direct (or are in the UK) for Urban Crime Short Stories, You can shop direct on Flame Tree’s website.

And please, if you read, consider dropping a review at Amazon, Goodreads, or other sites! Authors love reviews. (Well, when they’re nice. Okay, even if they’re not nice, at least you noticed us!) For example, here’s the first first Goodreads review for Tales of the Siblings Not-So-Grim!

Some News You Might Have Seen

So, I may have been using a bit of dramatic understatement in saying my “appearance” singular on Jeopardy was on Wednesday. I will be returning for Monday, December 9th’s show. Yes, I really do like puffins, traveling, and have goats. Yes, I actually do know Fenway Park is in Boston, I just cannot connect Fenway and football. Alex was doing very well when I saw him October, all things considered. He’s very nice. My competitors were all very nice people.

If you are coming here via Jeopardy instead of reading this because you saw my story in an anthology or are on the Books Go Social facebook, hi, yes, I write too! Please check out my Amazon Author Page where some recent credits include Smoking Pen Press’s Vampires, Zombies, and Ghosts Volume 1 and A Kiss and a Promise, and if you’re more into crime, I have a short procedural in Flame Tree Publishing’s Urban Crime Short Stories. 

For all things Jeopardy!, random goat and Corgi pictures, and updates on publications, you can follow my Facebook page and you can follow me on Twitter @jenniferquail. I try to live-tweet Jeopardy and otherwise sporadically post things as the mood strikes me. And if you miss a game you can always visit The Jeopardy Fan for recaps, commentary, and lots and lots of math, and J-archive for full game boards and results.

Well, This is Exciting

First, Hollow Hills Press has released Tales of the Siblings Not-So-Grimm for Kindle! This anthology includes my story “Storm-Spun” and fairy-tale-inspired stories and poems with a little more upbeat tone than is maybe trendy these days. (Seriously, did Fantasy Island need a darker, grittier reboot?)

Second, today (Wednesday, December 4th, 2019) is my Jeopardy! episode!

Jennifer_Quail_AD_12-04-19_SN8108 - Copy

Check your local listings!

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