I know I’ve picked up plenty of followers thanks to Jeopardy, and I appreciate the appreciation! But of course, this sorta-a-blog and Facebook are really about the whole writing thing. So in hopes of keeping some of you folks around, I’m going to have a little contest!

I have in my hot little hands paperback copies of Tales of the Siblings Not-So-Grim from Hollow Hills.  This anthology, featuring stories inspired by fairy tales with not-so-downer endings, includes my short story “Storm-Spun”, a Slavic tale involving talking horses, magic spindles, and Koshki the Deathless (and some altered/fantasy-fied spellings, obviously.) As I would really love for people to read what I write I’d like to give away a couple copies, and find out if y’all are actually reading my Facebook page.

So here’s what we’ll do!

1. Like My Author Page On Facebook

2. Like and SHARE the post for this blog entry.

3. ?

4. Profit! Okay, maybe win one of two paperback copies of Tales of the Siblings Not-So-Grim, with my story “Storm-Spun”, signed by me. I may not be a famous author, but hey, I’ve got an entry on the Jeopardy Contestants Wikipedia page. (I would add stuff like where I’m originally from and went to school, but I honestly can’t be bothered figuring out how to edit it. Also it’s hard to cite things when, well, it’s me. I am my own citation.)

5. I will choose two winners at random from people who, again, like My Author Page , and like AND SHARE the Facebook post for this blog (and I’ll even give you an extra entry if you comment on it, too.) I’ll probably do something crazy like put the names on dog treats or tennis balls and let Maggie the Corgi and Bailey the Beagle (#dogsofjeopardy) pick. Since I like Christmas only slightly less than the Nostalgia Critic, and love stretching out the season I’ll do the drawing on Boxing Day (December 26, 2019.)

Winners will be contacted by Facebook message from the Author Page and announced here, if you want to be. Postage is on me for one book to your location (so sorry, you have to live somewhere the post office ships to.)

Winners are not obligated to leave reviews on Amazon, Lulu, or Goodreads, but it would be nice for me and my fellow authors if you wanted to!